
He released his debut album Neō Wax Bloom in 2017 on Flying Lotus’s Brainfeeder label, and his latest, Tidal Memory Exo, with LuckMe, cofounded by Hudson Mohawke. But with over a decade of shows under his belt, Iglooghoost has forged a brand of his own, becoming an expert designer of alternative, multimedia worlds. He started out just wanting to make beats for other kids. But his career took flight along with his rich imagination, which has found release on a series of LPs. The first album, inspired by Steve Reich, footwork, and IDM, saw the artist exploring the fantastic land of Mamu. The latest, which reveals echoes of UK garage, coldwave, and drill, is an intense soundtrack from the not-too-distant, polluted future. Or, as Resident Advisor described it, “goosebump-inducing club music.”

Day: Sunday Stage: T Tent


692 zł
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