Bad Boy Chiller Crew

The world’s rowdiest rap crew. A musical incarnation of Jackass. Or a vulgar version of Vengaboys. Each of these monikers applies to these charming chavs from Bradford, who turned their love for shooting outrageous videos into a comedy rap project, before finally becoming a serious and respected group. BBCC have developed an original bass-heavy sound that draws equally from two-step and speed garage as it does from European house. Combining that with their humor, expression, and plain-spoken lyrics, they soon attracted a local following — and then global attention. “We just want to distract people,” they say. “We make the world look like a fucking joke.” And if you’re up for a good laugh, you know where to find these lads in August. See you in Katowice at the OFF Festival!

Day: Sunday Stage: Forest Stage


692 zł,
168 zł
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